United Way YP's Get IndyVolved
Each year, IndyHub brings together over 100 nonprofit and civic organizations for their annual “IndyVolved.” The event aims to connect Central Indiana 20 and 30 somethings to ways they can get involved and shape our city. That’s right, thousands of Indy best and brightest – all in one place! This year’s theme of “People Make the City” perfectly reflects United Way’s rallying cry to find all the hand raisers and game changers in our community. We’ve been looking for the hard working and innovative individuals who make Indy such a fantastic place to live, work and give back. United Way LINC – our membership group of 22-30 year old’s – couldn’t wait to team up with IndyHub again – as a 2nd year sponsor and host of the Official After Party. United Way LINC spent the evening on the front steps of Central Library, ready to watch our generation of “do-gooders” share what it means to change the game in our community. The ideas we heard were impactful and fun; reflecting the passion and diversity Indianapolis has to offer. Joining LINC were our United Way friends from Emerging Leaders and Leadership United. Why all our groups together in one place? Because to live better we must live UNITED. At our activation wall, “Emily” wrote that she felt like a game changer when she decided to move 500 miles away from home and settle in Indy. “I kept hearing about how many opportunities exist here, especially for someone my age. It was a big move, but I’m so happy I had the courage to do it – the people here make me want to do something good for others.”Our new friend, “Eric” announced that he just graduated from IUPUI with a degree in nonprofit management and hopes to someday create a nonprofit addressing food deserts around the state. Even Mayor Joe Hogsett stopped by to joke about being a game changer for our community by filling all those pesky potholes!
The night was such a success, we knew that a celebration was necessary. Not just any celebration – a full blown philanthro-party to continue networking and sharing ways to get connected. United Way LINC was thrilled to sponsor the Official IndyVolved 13 After Party at TwoDEEP Brewing Co. for an evening of good brews, fun games and most importantly – good company. A big thanks to TwoDEEP as well as the team at CCA Sports and DJ 290 West for rounding out the night. We had a blast, and we think everyone else did to! But what we enjoyed the most was that the night showed us something we already believed to be true – we live in a pretty spectacular city. If what IndyHub said is true (and we most definitely think it is), the people must be pretty spectacular, too. See you at IndyVolved 14!