We partner to design, support and grow systems that accelerate financial stability and upward mobility for individuals and families living in or near poverty.
Our Mission
Central Indiana will be a community where children, individuals and families thrive; neighbors care for each other; and we are proud of all our residents’ quality of life.
Our Vision
Poverty is one of the greatest challenges facing Central Indiana.
To measurably reduce the number of financially unstable households, United Way is focused on the top predictors of poverty:
to provide essential services to our neighbors in need
to increase literacy and learning success for children
to increase earnings and build employment pathways
to increase housing security and reduce homelessness
United Way of Central Indiana is united with our community in opposing racial and ethnic discrimination. We acknowledge that racism and ethnic discrimination, both implicit and explicit, exists in our community and presents significant barriers to the achievement of economic well-being and quality of life for many in the communities we serve. United Way is committed to listening, learning, and amplifying the voices of all our neighbors.
Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
We strive to maximize our impact on the community by creating and sustaining an environment that leverages the innovation that result from the unique perspectives that individuals bring. We believe that our community is best served when diversity and inclusion are embedded in everything we do. As such, we encourage the active participation of our team; including our employees, volunteers, donors, advocates and partners.
Our Indy Racial Equity Pledge to the Community
The data is clear. People of color are nearly twice as likely to experience economic insecurity and poverty than white households. Our goal is to expand our grantmaking to serve ore diverse populations, build capacity of faith-based, grassroots and grasstops organizations, strengthen the pipeline of leaders of color in the sector, and help remove obstacles for people of color to attain the quality of life everyone deserves.