Creative Giving That Goes Above and Beyond: Spirit United Winner Hulman & Company
With a rich history in Central Indiana dating back to 1850, it's just natural for Hulman & Company to give back to the community. "We have a culture of hospitality and providing service to others," says Jimmie McMillian, Senior Corporate Counsel for Hulman & Company. "We are all about giving back to the community and serving those who are here." Hulman & Company is proud to be a staple in Indianapolis -- especially with the Indianapolis Motor Speedway (IMS). "Our location is near downtown and not common in Motorsports; we are actually integrated into the community and we take that seriously," Jimmie shares. For many years, Hulman & Company has partnered with United Way of Central Indiana to make an impact in their community, from volunteering for ReadUP and hosting donation drives to serving on a variety of United Way partner agency boards. This commitment to community and reverence for giving back was recognized by United Way of Central Indiana and highlighted during United Way's 2018 Annual Meeting when Hulman & Company was announced as a Spirit United award winner.
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Jimmie, who is Hulman & Company's United Way Campaign Chair, is not only proud of the company's spirit of giving but the creative ways they give as well. "When I first started, Mark asked me if I had any creative ideas to raise money. We came up with this idea for me to ride a motorcycle from here to Sonoma County, making it an employee challenge", he explains. Jimmie rode for 35 hours, covering 2,255 miles while raising awareness, funds and support for United Way. Video:Jimmie Shares Why He Rode Cross-Country for United Way The Mark he references is Mark Miles, President and Chief Executive Officer of Hulman & Company and co-chair of United Way's 2017 Campaign. Mark teamed up with Allison Melangton, Senior Vice President of Events at Hulman & Company, and led United Way to a successful 100th year and a mega celebration. "Their leadership breeds excitement – Mark and Allison’s spirit, energy and enthusiasm is contagious. Their generous spirit is infectious and their leadership is inspiring," Jimmie says. Hulman & Company, with leadership from Mark and Allison, wanted to give their employees various ways to get involved in their 2017 United Way Campaign. One way they did this was by hosting a hygiene donation drive for Christamore House, a United Way partner agency located in the Haughville neighborhood, the same neighborhood that houses the IMS. "We felt like it was important to have a direct impact on a United Way agency that serves our neighbors," Jimmie states. In a very short time, employees of Hulman & Company donated more than 6,000 hygiene items during the drive. In December, they organized, packaged and donated the items to Christamore House to help the hundreds of youth, individuals, families and seniors they serve in Haughville and the Near Westside. But that's not all they did in December. "We wanted to send a message about what the holidays are truly about," Jimmie shares. "It's a time for giving." With the spirit of the season in mind, the IMS donated $5 to United Way from every customer's ticket price who came to celebrate the season at Lights at the Brickyard on Monday nights. "We raised more than $8,500 for United Way, and hopefully next year we can do even more," Jimmie exclaims. Hulman & Company, with leadership from Mark, Allison and Jimmie, helped make the past year one that thousands of Central Indiana residents will remember for years to come, thanks to their involvement with A Future United. The greatest spectacle in handraising took place at the IMS on April 20 and celebrated United Way's 100th anniversary. Thousands of community members united to honor United Way's past, celebrate its present and look forward to the next 100 years of service in Central Indiana. "What a way to celebrate 100 years! To bring it here was a celebration of our entire community," Jimmie says.
United Way is proud to recognize Hulman & Company as one of our 2018 Spirit United award winners for their incredible work in our community. If your business, employer or organization is interested in partnering with United Way to make positive change in Central Indiana, consider starting a workplace campaign to jump start your organization's community involvement and engagement.