Message from the Tocqueville Society Chairs

Dear friends: Why Do You Give Out Loud?
While attending the Affinity Group Retreat last June, one of our fellow Tocqueville Society members shared that one reason she and her husband became Tocqueville Society members was to “give out loud.” As I sat and reflected on this comment, I realized to “give out loud” perfectly defines what we as Tocqueville Society members have done for those in need in Central Indiana.
Excluding grant revenue, Tocqueville and Meridian Society donations make up 30% of United Way’s Annual Campaign. Without your generosity and willingness to put your name behind your charity, United Way and all its partner agencies would suffer. So, as you ponder why it is you “give out loud,” please consider others who may be game changers like you. Tell them why giving out loud makes a difference and why they too may want to proudly step forward and be torchbearers like all of us in the pursuit to better Central Indiana.
If you are like me, you historically have not been one to promote your charitable giving or service because you do it out of the goodness of your person and your desire to give back to those in need. That said, the fact the United Way of Central Indiana and the Tocqueville Society honors its members and their generosity by identifying them and that the members proudly allow their names to be used in recognition of their charitable giving demonstrates why it is so important to “give out loud.” It gives credibility to and imposes influence upon the needed giving level and demonstrates to the rest of those capable how important it is to support United Way at every giving level.
As we embark on this year’s campaign, I challenge each of you to find people within your network who you believe have the courage and generosity to increase their giving or become part of United Way in some way. We all need to work together towards our common goals and continue to be game changers for Central Indiana.
Game on!– Ed and Patricia McGruder2019 Tocqueville Society Chairs


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