Fighting for the Littlest Members of Our Community
When we said, “baby shower” the community came running full speed to help! United Way volunteers, donors and staff came together to fight for the littlest members of our community, bringing hundreds of donation items and raising nearly $1,500.
Indy Do-Gooders Plant it Forward with Flanner House
United Way of Central Indiana fights for the education, financial stability, health and basic needs of everyone in our community. So, when our partner agency, Flanner House, unveiled plans to create a community garden for the people of northwest Indianapolis to enjoy, we couldn’t wait to roll up our sleeves and get our hands dirty!
Crowe Horwath Builds Hygiene Kits for the Homeless
United Way of Central Indiana fights for every person in our community, but there’s no way we can do it alone. So when the Crowe Horwarth staff asked how they could help, we couldn’t wait to partner with them to make a bigger impact.
Finding His Support System
After coming out as a transgender male, Van Heart, like many people challenging traditional gender boundaries, struggled to find the kind of support he needed in his school and at home. As he grew lonelier, he knew he needed to find an outlet. Then, he found Indiana Youth Group
KAR Auction Services assemble 2-1-1 kits for Central Indiana homeless
KAR Auction employees assemble and delivered 450 2-1-1 kits to Salvation Army Indiana Division headquaters as part of United Way engagement campaign.
Getting Back on her Feet and Giving Back
After being released from a three-year prison sentence, re-entering the general population was hard for Quortney. But, then she heard of Volunteers of America.
United Way Stocked the House at the 2016 BIG Kickoff
United Way of Central teamed up with the Indianapolis Colts to host The BIG Kickoff on Friday, September 9, 2016. During the presentations 15 organizations that help the homeless were presented with housewarming baskets for clients who are moving into their first homes.
Starting Again
Angela was a member of the United States military for nearly 20 years. But when she returned home after seven months in Iraq, something had changed.
Let Go and Lifted Up
Arthur had worked for the same company nearly his entire working life. He didn’t stay that long because he necessarily loved his job, but it paid the bills and he knew if he was loyal to his company, his company would be loyal to him. But when the recession hit and the company had to start making cuts, Arthur was let go and left to figure out what was next.
Community Baby Shower Success!
Your hard work paid off – we collected 3,000 disposable diapers, 5,300 baby wipes and a host of other items, including baby toiletries, onesies, strollers, bouncers and more for families in need right here in Central Indiana!
United Way of Central Indiana requests donations of baby items for families in need
“Community Baby Shower” on June 21 is a part of United Way’s Global Day of Action. Individuals can drop off donations along Pennsylvania Street in front of Bankers Life Fieldhouse on Tuesday, June 21, 2016 from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Breaking the cycle of abuse: A family’s chance at happiness
Joann’s husband had always been the jealous, controlling type; but over the years she had watched him shift from overbearing to truly dangerous.
Perseverance + Priorities = Return to a self-sufficient life
Overcoming a series of barriers that left her jobless, homeless and with no family or friends to encourage her. Elnora and her coach put together a plan aimed at getting her back on her feet again and self-sufficient.