Women United Member Spotlight: Melissa Meier

Tell us about yourself.I work for Walker Information, a customer experience consulting firm. I have the privilege of working with leading companies, helping them improve interactions with their customers. I live in Fishers with my husband and two children. What are you passionate about?I enjoy being involved with social causes that are important to me. One of those is quality education for all children. My volunteer experience includes serving as a tutor, student mentor, classroom volunteer and policy advocate. I am thrilled that Indiana’s 2017 funding plan includes an expansion of our state’s pre-K program. When and how did you first become involved with United Way?I became involved with United Way close to 15 years ago, as part of my company’s involvement with the organization. I completed the Executive Women’s Leadership Program as a young executive and most recently joined the Women United Steering committee. Why do you choose to support United Way’s mission?My involvement stems from my support of the United Way’s community pillars – Education, Financial, Stability, Health and Basic Needs – as well as my experience working directly with United Way agencies. The positive impact that this organization brings to our community is invaluable. It’s exciting to be a part of an organization that is improving our community! When did you become involved with Women United?I have been involved with Women United for just under a year. What interested you most about Women United?I love the idea of women working together on behalf of the community to impact the lives of preschoolers. This group is a way for me to contribute to activities that bring awareness to the importance of early childhood education. As a bonus, the events hosted by Women United throughout the year are a great opportunity to meet others in the community and to learn about other social impact programs. What is your favorite memory or event with Women United?My favorite memory has to be an event that was held at my company’s offices. We sponsored a Literacy Kit build and we had all our employees work together to build kits that could be used by preschoolers in our community. It was enjoyable to watch my co-workers get involved in improving childhood literacy! 

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