United Way of Central Indiana's 2018 Public Policy Agenda
In 2018, we’re celebrating United Way of Central Indiana’s 100th anniversary with great enthusiasm, fanfare and ambition. For 100 years, United Way of Central Indiana has been searching for our community’s most complex and stubborn problems. We measure our success in the outcomes of educational achievement and literacy, financial stability of our families, the health and well-being of our community, and if the community has met the basic needs of our most vulnerable neighbors. But to help our fellow Hoosiers on their path to self-sufficiency, we must advocate for policies at the local and state level that will help us reach our ambitious community goals. In this Public Policy Agenda for 2018, you’ll see United Way leading, collaborating and supporting on a variety of issues that, if enacted, would help eliminate many barriers to education, financial stability, health and basic needs in our community. For example, in education, we are building on the success from 2017 when we fought for and achieved a significant expansion of funding for pre-k in Indiana. In financial stability, we are proud to collaborate on issues that support working families in our neighborhoods. For our health focus, we must address our poor health rankings by reducing childhood obesity rates and tobacco use. For our most vulnerable populations, we maintain our support for access to public transportation, reimbursement for critical services, and funding for the human-services helpline, 2-1-1.
The problems that plague our community can’t be solved by one person, one supporter, one agency, or one piece of legislation. It takes a leader, an innovative approach, a network of partners in the public and private sector, and the best resources available to tackle our toughest issues, evaluate our successes, and then scale that approach to improve the lives of more people in our community. That is United Way. Join us in raising your voice for United Way’s Public Policy Agenda. Because, to live better, we must LIVE UNITED.