Emerging Leaders Member Spotlight: Anthony Arthur

Tell me a little about yourself (hometown, job, family, interests, etc.)
I grew up in Clayton, Indiana and went to Cascade High School. I am an Indiana Farm Bureau Insurance Agent -- been here about 3 years. I have played competitive golf since high school and continued to play in college at IUPUI. I currently take part in state and national amateur golf events.

What are you passionate about? If you could spend a day advocating for the things you care about, what issues would you choose?
Education. I strongly believe that a good education early in life can help shape a positive future for kids.

When and how did you first become involved with United Way?
About 3 years ago, I got involved in Emerging Leaders and the ReadUP program. From there, my involvement with UWCI has grown substantially, as I am now a part of the steering committee for Emerging Leaders.

Why do you support United Way's mission?
We need to be there for each other. It goes back to the "golden rule” --  if I were in need of help, I would hope someone would be there to help me. I want to be that person for the ones who need us the most in our community.

When did you become involved with Emerging Leaders? What attracted you to this group?
This is the third year that I have been involved with Emerging Leaders. When I first got involved, On My Way Pre-K was the focus -- that was the most attractive thing to me. The networking/professional luncheons and mentorship program was an added bonus.

How have you grown through being a member of Emerging Leaders?
I have met a lot of super young people with the same passions and ideas as me -- anytime you can surround yourself with people like this, it holds you more accountable to be involved and engaged in serving and building your community.

What is your favorite Emerging Leaders memory? (This can be an event, a friendship you've made - anything!)
The Red Carpet Galas are always the best events of the year. These events tend to provide the most memories made with the same like-minded and philanthropic people that are fun to surround yourself with!

Why do you think other members of the community should get involved with Emerging Leaders?
It gives you a purpose and a say in how our community and the Indy area is shaped. Along with all of the perks of being an Emerging Leader (professional development, toq mentor and galas) it exposes you to others that are like-minded and will encourage/motivate you to do better and be a catalyst for positive change within our city.


Diversity Leadership Circle Member Spotlight: Jason Preston


LINC Gets INdyVolved